Spoštovani nagrajenci in prejemniki priznanj!
Iskrene čestitke ob vašem izjemnem uspehu na 13. Mednarodnem festivalu likovnih umetnosti Kranj – ZDSLU: Tihožitje v zrcalu časa.
S svojo predanostjo in umetniško vizijo ste pustili neizbrisen pečat ter obogatili ta pomemben dogodek. Vaša dela odražajo časovno brezmejnost, ki jo nosi tihožitje.
Ponosni smo, da letos sodelujemo z vami in upamo, da se nam boste pridružili tudi v prihodnje.
Želim vam še veliko uspehov in novih dosežkov!
V priponki vam pošiljam dokument, kjer so naštete vse nagrade in priznanja, podpisan s strani žirije.
Lep pozdrav,
Martina Marenčič, umetniška vodja MFLUK ZDSLU
Dear award recipients and honorees!
Congratulations on your outstanding success at the 13th International Festival of Visual Arts Kranj – SAFAS: Still Life in the Mirror of Time.
You have left an indelible mark and enriched this important event with your dedication and artistic vision. Your works reflect the timelessness that still life carries.
We are proud to collaborate with you this year and hope you will join us again in the future.
Wishing you continued success and new achievements!
You will find a document listing all the awards and recognitions, signed by the jury, in the attachment.
All the best,
Martina Marenčič, art director of IFVAK – SAFAS